Online Buying and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

A Buy is that one great Apex when maximum user experience culminates. Artificial intelligence through its multiple displays increases your chances of a sale. When we see a product for the first time we weigh the reasons for buying it, then when we see the product again we add some reasons to the existing reasons in the process we might also drop some of the old reasons for buying it. Th ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and App Reuse.

One of the biggest challenges for the internet was data redundancy during its mid-years. It was slowly proving to be a time-wasting process rather than a time-saving one with the amount of data on the Internet. If you had to look for something you had to sift through large amounts of data invariably resulting in time loss. We could say it was the side effects of large choices we had thr ...

How can a retailer use Artificial Intelligence to optimize product placements?

The core activity of the AI system is to collect random activity, store it, validate it with relevant parameters and present intelligent calculated choices for the customer. So what AI does is it simply records the various activities of a customer like a price range, size, design and other parameters when he frequents the Net . Then it detects a pattern depending on the validation. Whic ...